District project

DDGM’s project, with Bro. William Prentice as Chair

This years project is going to be somewhat different from years past. Our aim is to create a “trade skills” bursary for promising young people who are trying to better themselves by going straight into a licensed trades training school from high school. I feel this will tie into our history as an early form of trades guild, while providing tangible assistance for the hard-working winners. Plus, the exposure of Masonry in Peterborough during an end of year presentation awards ceremony, with subsequent potential inquires of interested men related to the recipients is a positive step for us also. More details are forthcoming on the specifics of the proposed program. R.W. Bro Mortlock is a very mission-driven Mason who is perfectly suited to overcome the inevitable rough patches getting a project like this up and running. I would personally appreciate your support by your help in any way possible to this worthy endeavour.